Schön Kaffee Catuai (Omni roast) on 5 Jun 22
19.0 g : 43.6 g (1:2.3) in 31.3 s
Eureka Atom 65 Specialty @ 1.5
Barista:  Jan
Bean notes:

Boa Vista. Honey anaerob Processed.VST18 basket. No Paper filter. BPlus. Density 400. Chocolate, fruit.


Taste a bit on the sour side (just a teensy little bit). Still good sweetness and fruity flavors. Mouthfeel not as good as the last few days. No harshness.
PI phase this time noticeable shorter, conductivity higher, pour phase shorter, flow higher = less puck resistance.
Temperature comparable.
Difference: days since defrost and shot made quite soon after warm up.
Still a pleasant cup
