On Migration and Other Updates

Remember the migration I mentioned and then the sudden late night update? After three days of intense debugging and working directly with Lemon Squeezy’s lead developer (huge thanks! 🙏), I believe all issues have been resolved. While the relationship started rocky, I’m confident everything will be smoother from here on. 🤞

Lemon What? 🍋

The main difference you’ll notice is in your bank statements. Instead of seeing Visualizer, mr.si, or Miha Rekar, charges will now appear as Lemon Squeezy or LEMSQZY* STORE. This is because they’re acting as the merchant of record, handling all local taxes and regulations (you can read more about it on their website).

However, for any issues, refunds, or questions, please still contact me first at [email protected]. Nothing else is changing - I just needed help dealing with increasingly complex tax regulations, especially with the current political climate being about as predictable as a cat on espresso. 🎢

New Features

The biggest addition comes from Mark’s brilliant suggestion: you can now quickly compare shots by selecting them right from your shot list. Just click the checkbox in the top right corner of any shot, then click another shot, and boom - instant comparison!

I’ve also improved Airtable syncing by resolving tag syncing issue. Shot tags now sync both ways, and any changes to coffee bags on the Airtable side will now sync to Visualizer (previously it was one-way only).

There were also a bunch of small fixes like showing share buttons for Beanconqueror and profile download even when you’re logged out and the usual dependency updates. As always, you can find the complete details in the full changelog.

One Last Thing ❤️

If you notice any remaining issues from the migration (missing Premium status, double charges, etc.), please let me know immediately.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding during this transition! 🥰

Lemon Squeezy Migration

Remember last time when I mentioned the upcoming migration from Stripe? Well… it happened. Not exactly as planned. 😅

For the past month, I’ve been in contact with Lemon Squeezy to arrange a smooth transition. After 9 days of radio silence from their end, they suddenly dropped me an email at 8 PM (while I was at swimming practice!) announcing they had migrated everyone and started charging. Just like that. 😬

I’ve been glued to my screen since then, trying to untangle this mess. It’s midnight now, and my eyes are starting to cross, but I wanted to get this message out:

Not all data made it through correctly, and Lemon Squeezy has gone quiet again. I’m doing my best with the cards I’ve been dealt, but I can’t guarantee everything is working perfectly right now. If you notice any issues - double charges, lost Premium status, or anything else that seems off - please email me immediately. I’ll fix it as soon as humanly possible.

I’m waiting for Lemon Squeezy to respond (hopefully faster than 9 days this time). With any luck, these are just growing pains, and it’ll be smooth sailing from here on out.

Thank you for your patience and understanding! 🙏

New Year, New Changes

First of all, happy new year! 🥳

Even though I haven’t written a post here, I’m sure you’ve noticed a couple of changes since the last update.

Push Notifications 📱

The most noticeable addition is the ability to enable push notifications for new shots. If your browser supports it, you can enable it in the shot list or in the profile settings. Most browsers fully support this feature, though iOS Safari users will need to add Visualizer to their home screen first.

For me personally it’s a massive improvement in my workflow. I’ve discussed it on Discord before, but a short recap:

  1. Pull a shot
  2. Get push notification on my phone
  3. Edit everything on Visualizer
  4. Optionally create new coffee bag with AI-powered data filling
  5. Tap Download in DYE

Just like that, all info is beautiful and synchronized everywhere. 🪄

API Changes

I’ve added new API endpoints that allow you to list and get details of roasters and coffee bags if you’ve enabled Coffee Bag Management.

Changes to Premium

I almost never talk about what’s coming next, but this time I’ll make an exception. Handling all the worldwide tax registrations and keeping up with regulation changes is getting harder and harder. It’s coming to a point where it’s simply overwhelming for a one-person side project. For that reason, I’ve decided to transition away from Stripe to a Merchant of Record service. As I stated in the Black Friday update, Visualizer Premium prices will not increase. Any extra fees will simply reduce my cut.

This transition will require significant development time, which means fewer new features in the coming weeks. More importantly, when the transition is ready, you’ll receive emails from me/Stripe about migrating your subscription data. I’m telling you this now so you won’t worry when those emails arrive - they’re legitimate and expected. I’ll send you an email personally when the migration begins! 📬


There were also a bunch of little improvements, like immediately clearing the combo box field when you click/tap it. This enables you to immediately start typing and selecting a new value. Another small UX improvement is that now, while on the shot list page, you can just drag and drop your shot files anywhere. They’ll be instantly uploaded and added to the shot list.

There were also some bug fixes, like the peculiar behavior of shot times and their time zones. Or non-matching coffee bags by their roast dates when enabling Coffee Bag Management.

As always, you can check the entire changelog to see all the nitty gritty details of UI/UX changes and other tiny improvements that didn’t make it to the list above.

Thank you, and again, happy new year! 🎉