Steady State Caturra, Catuai, Bourbon (Light) on 31 May 2022
19 g : 37.7 g (1:2.0) in 26.1 s
Niche Zero @ 12
Bean notes:

Tolima, Colombia. Natural processing. June COTM.
Hibiscus, Strawberry Yogurt, Grape Bubble Gum


Lowered starting temp from 90C to 80C, in an attempt to decrease the tannic acid aftertaste.

Acidic, fizzy, dark chocolate soda. Less soda as shot cooled. Fewer distinguishable taste flavors than expected. Good with foam.

Aftertastes: Less prominent than yesterday, still noticeable mouthfeel. Mouth feels like the after-effects of having eaten strawberries or shellfish, without having enjoyed any of those tastes. Dry, a little rough, tingly. Less prominent but still-slightly-noticeable tannins (Earl Grey-ish).

Lingered all day.
