Shot by KelvinW

Glyph Coffee Colombia, Castillo (Medium-Dark) on 01 Nov 2021
18.0 g : 44.4 g (1:2.5) in 27.2 s
Monolith Flat @ 3-3.25
TDS 9.17 % EY 22.6 %
Bean notes:

La Palma N&C Las Mercedes
Castillo (Bio-innovation)
Ripe Cherries, Almond, Port Wine

My own notes:

  • sweet syrupy body with notes of cherries/grapes/berries, wine like.
  • bold fruity and nutty long finish.
  • creamy cherry/berry fruit cake notes and nutty finish.

The roasting for this bean is pretty dark, you can see that shiny layer of oil on top of the beans. As such the bean is very soluble and it is very easy to over-extract. For extraction profile for this roast, I don’t not attempt to gain any puck pressure because timing is more important as I notices if there is puck pressure, timing increases and it gets over extracted. Trying to hit around 26-30s.

Also I needed to adjust the brew ratio from 1:2 to 1:2.4 (18g/45g). I found that this ratio brings out the sweetness, fruitiness and nuttiness without being overly bitter.
