Shot by chrsbj

Origami Dripper
April 26, 2024 13:49
Special Guests 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 (London) Low Caffeine - Daterra Reserve 🇧🇷 (UNKNOWN) on 2024-03-20
12.5 g in 131.1 s
DF64 w/ SSP multipurpose burrs @ 40
Name: Low Caffeine - Daterra Reserve 🇧🇷
Note: This coffee is made up of two low-caffeine coffees varietals - Aramosa and Laurina. These have both been under study at the forward-thinking, innovative farm for 20 years. Aramosa is a hybrid between Arabica and Racemosa, whereas Laurina is a hybrid of Arabica and Bourbon. In contrast to 'decaf' coffees, where the caffeine is removed, this coffee is 'low caf', where the natural caffeine levels are lower than a typical arabica coffee. In the cup you can expect a sweet, easy-to-drink coffee with flavour notes of caramel, milk chocolate and pomegranate.
Weight: 25
Roaster: Special Guests 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 (London)
Aromatics: Caramel, Milk chocolate, Pomegranate
Roasting date: 2024-03-20T09:57:00.000Z
Decaffeinated: false
Bean information farm: Daterra
Bean information country: Brazil
Bean information variety: Aramosa, Laurina
Bean information elevation: 100-1200 masl
Bean information processing: Natural
Config uuid: 6ce3bdda-b58e-4f95-9090-6c928e3c4558
Config unix timestamp: 1714139352
Brew time: 130
Grind size: 40
Vessel name: Lil' Pitchii
Grind weight: 12.5
Brew quantity: 200.5
Vessel weight: 171
Brew temperature: 94
Pressure profile: Orea: The mid
Brew quantity type: GR
Coffee blooming time: 60
Brew beverage quantity type: GR
Name: DF64 w/ SSP multipurpose burrs
Tds: 30
Name: Sküma RO
Tds type: PPM
Name: Origami Dripper
Style type: POUR OVER
