Steady State Caturra, Catuai, Bourbon (Light) on 31 May 2022
19 g : 37.5 g (1:2.0) in 26.7 s
Niche Zero @ 12
Bean notes:

Tolima, Colombia. Natural processing. June COTM.
Hibiscus, Strawberry Yogurt, Grape Bubble Gum


Ground a little finer (12) than yesterday (13). Decreased PI release pressure from 1.8 bars to 1.7 bars. Increased speed of ramp up. Went to flow profile sooner than expected — I may have mis-set that step. Flow slower than intended. New profile needs tweaking. (The shot looked “good” as it was happening, and it stopped at just about the desired weight.)

Slightly salty red (berry) chocolate wine. Less chocolate at 2nd sip — slight strawberry aftertaste, fizzy. Perhaps a little hibiscus — dark floral. Settles into a subtle bitterness. Mouth feels acidic, but without having enjoyed the acidic taste of strawberries or tartness of hibiscus.

There’s a gentle dullness or bitterness. It might be not-very-strong floral. It comes through with milk foam. It is not what I usually think I like, but there could be more to it than I recognize at this time. Perhaps tuning the profile could develop this flavor. First, though, is to decrease negative aftertastes.

No sign of grape bubble gum yet.

Immediate aftertaste is a fizzy, acidic numbness. Morphing to Earl Grey, floral / metallic — perhaps tannic acid. Tannic aftertaste lasted all day, morphed to chewy chocolate for a short time about 10 hours later.
