Shot by Jeff M

Blooming Allongé
August 17, 2021 19:13
Superlost Mossto Juice (light) on 2021-08-12
15 g : 75.3 g (1:5.0) in 66.5 s
Versalab M4 @ 1.7 (on the arbitrary scale meaningful only on my grinder)
Bean notes:

There’s delicious fruit in these beans, and the Blooming Allongé profile seems to do a beautiful job of concentrating it.


(filter paper disc laid atop tamped puck to try to protect it)

During the final pressure phase of this shot, there’s a distinct drop from a plateau around 8.6 bar to a plateau around 7 bar, with no dramatic change in flow rate.

I saw something similar happen in an earlier run with the same profile.

Does this indicate channeling cropping up suddenly, or is it something intrinsic to the profile, or …? Does anyone know?
