Steady State Caturra, Catuai, Bourbon (Light) on 31 May 2022
19 g : 37.3 g (1:2.0) in 24.9 s
Niche Zero @ 12
Bean notes:

Tolima, Colombia. Natural processing. June COTM.
Hibiscus, Strawberry Yogurt, Grape Bubble Gum


Shortened shot limit to 37g — it ran long. Thick, chocolate, maybe strawberry? Acidic, a little fizzy, quinine. Even with foam, it finished with a smoky, quinic acid taste.

Interesting study done in 2018 about bitter taste genes.

Aftertastes: 10 minutes: Front and middle of tongue, quinic and phosphoric acid / fizzy, near enough to aspirin astringency to be noticeable.
