Vibrant Pink Bourbon (Light) on 11 May 2022
19 g : 37.8 g (1:2.0) in 34.8 s
Niche Zero @ 15
Bean notes:

Carlos Ramon Diaz Majin, Finca La Esperanza.
3rd place, 2022 Huila Magico.
Washed. Grapefruit & berries, Electric


Ground finer. Decreased PI release from 1.8 to 1.7 bars. Start temp 75C, low temp 70C. Grapefruit dark cherry. Becomes a little effervescent. Somewhat dull for an award-winning coffee, but it’s early days with low-temp experiments. All day, lingering, non-intense-but-always-present tannic metallic aftertaste.
