Steady State Caturra, Catuai, Bourbon (Light) on 31 May 2022
19 g : 37.3 g (1:2.0) in 23.6 s
Niche Zero @ 12
Bean notes:

Tolima, Colombia. Natural processing. June COTM.
Hibiscus, Strawberry Yogurt, Grape Bubble Gum


Raised starting temp from 80C to 82C. Much less chocolate taste. Thick-ish acidity, hard to name the flavor. Fewer distinguishable flavors than expected / hoped for. No chocolate taste today.

Aftertaste: thick, lightly tannic. Like the aftertaste of Earl Grey, but subtle, not as strong / prominent as yesterday. A little acidic fizzy mouthfeel, like after eating shellfish. Mostly gone by 3 hours.
