Shot by DSx white

November 17, 2021 16:09
MC 1kg Guatemala Acatenanga Gesha 2 (FC) on 10/29/21
22.0 g : 54.5 g (1:2.5) in 29.8 s
Max SSP HU @ 4.15
Bean notes:

22 VST bskt, frz, rpt, WDT Deep .2mm, tap, PP, BPl filter screen, Bravo tamp


Tonino 120 cnnamon Although fnal flow of 2.6 mLs is the same as previous shot, this slightly higher low flow of 1.15 mLs and shorter time 29s vs. 32s, resulted in a slightly harsh taint disappearing. Sweet, good articulation and clarity, long pleasant aftertaste
