Shot by DSx white

MC 1kg Ethiopia Bensa Asafa Qonqana (FC) on 10/13/21
22.0 g : 54.2 g (1:2.5) in 34.8 s
Max SSP HU @ 3.75
Bean notes:

22 VST bskt, frz, HU, rpt, WDT Deep .2mm, tap, PP, BPl filter screen, Bravo tamp


Tonino 133– idiosyncraticly grapefruity coffee at cinnamon roast. Enjoyable if treated appropriately. Interesting slight difference in intensity of warm cup grapefruit (the dominant taste in this coffee) of Zucva’s profile at Tonino 133 vs. Easy 1.4-7 Nat Dec 88 degree at Tonino 12. Is it merely because of 10 degree temp differential from Zucva pulled immediately after Easy? Taste comparisons all way to room temp wherein grapefruit still present but difference barely discernable.
